Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I'll Miss You Chikezie Eze

It's a stream of consciousness post tonight, I'm watching as I type. OK, bottom 3: Syesha, Chikezie and Jason Castro. I'm kind of surprised about Syesha.

Man, this sucks. Someone good is going home. There's both Kristy and Ramiele safe on the couch while 3 better performers are sweating it out. Even Kristy looks guilty because she knows she's taking the spot from someone more deserving...Oh wait, Jason is safe. Phew...Ryan (the devil) has gleefully announced a commercial break, so a few more minutes before we know. I like Syesha but I would rather see her go than Chikezie.

Here we go...OH NO! Chikezie is going home...I like Chikezie so much, I am so upset that KLC is still there and he is going home. My husband just said, "They got it wrong" and I totally agree. Goodbye cheerful Chikiezie, we'll miss ya.

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