Jen P. just emailed me and said, "Where the hell is your Idol critique?" I told her that I'm having a hard time summoning enough enthusiasm to write anything about last night's show. I'm feeling some Idol burn out. It's been a long season, and things really aren't turning out the way I imagined they would 3 months ago. And the show last night, which should have been a top 3 spectacular, was really just so-so. And I'm sick of the David Archuleta hype. Randy is so obviously biased toward him that he can't say anything nice about anyone else. And their desire to get rid of Syesha is obvious to everyone. So, I feel that the show is letting me down. And I feel that the show has lost any integrity that it ever had this season. But I will perservere and try to articulate my thoughts.

Everyone gave their best performance during round one. Simon chose David Cook's song, "The First Time Ever I saw Your Face" by Roberta Flack. I thought this was a bizarre choice until I heard Cook belt it out. It was really good. He didn't change it up much, but his voice and rock edge made it sound fresh. I guess that Simon really knows his stuff.
Paula chose "And So It Goes" by Billy Joel for David Archuleta. It was OK. He sang it nicely in his usual manner. I just have a really hard time watching him perform. He's a sweet kid, but he does absolutely nothing for me. Speaking of Archuleta, did anyone but me think it was odd that during the video package, when David was being celebrated by his hometown, that his Dad was up on the stage right next to David just basking in his son's triumph. That guy lives totally through his son. I get the feeling that if the AI people would allow it, Jeff Archuleta would be on the American Idol stage during his son's performances. Sad.
Anyway, Syesha was given an Alicia Keys song by Randy, doesn't matter which one, and doesn't matter that she sang it well. They don't want her in the top two, so no one has much nice to say to her.
For round two, in which the contestants picked their own songs, they all flopped. Cook sang Switchfoot's ''Dare You to Move'' (which was different than the Collective Soul song Vote For The Worst's spoiler predicted. Of course that has now been changed to reflect actual events). It was one of his rare flat performances. I was hoping he would finally sing a Depeche Mode song for his brother, but maybe they couldn't get clearance (According to my reliable source Jen P., Cook's sick bro wants him to sing Depeche Mode on the show). Anyway, it wasn't good.
Syesha picked the classic Peggy Lee song "Fever" and I thought it was pretty good, other than the choreography with it's hint of striptease. Personally, I enjoyed it, but the judges all said it was the worng song for her, and not what they wanted to hear. The girl can't catch a break.
Archuleta had me squirming uncomfortably with his second song, Chris Brown's "With You." His voice was shaky and off key during the whole thing. And the poor kid cannot pull off lyrics like, “I need you boo” and “Hot little figure, yes you a winner.” I don't think I'm alone in my discomfort. Shockingly, the judges gave him the poor reviews he deserved. Even Randy couldn't call that performance, "A hot one."
For round three the producers should have come on stage to receive the critiques instead of the singers. Poor Syesha, the girl sang what they told her to, did the best she could with a song from an animated penguin movie, and the judges unanimously told her they didn't like the song. It didn't show them "Who she was." SHE DIDN"T PICK IT! Get off her back, geez. She's never been my fave, but the blatant bias against her is ridiculous.
Archuleta was given a Dan Fogelberg song, "Longer." Snore. Not his fault, but so boring.
Cook actually did great with Aerosmith's "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing." I've never liked this song, but I liked his performance of it. I thought it was better than Aerosmith's.
Note to Simon: I know Diane Warren is your friend but "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" is NOT one of the best songs ever written. Give me a break.
Simon was right when he said David Cook won the night, and I place Syesha second. The only thing that can wake me out of my Idol lethargy would be a top 2 shakeup with Syesha edging out Archuleta. Unfortunately she doesn't have a popsicle's chance in hell to make the final. I'm sure she'll go home tonight, and I'm sure I couldn't care less. Phlurrgggg....
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