At the half-way point of last night's results show I really thought that they were going to keep it at a crisp 1/2 hour instead of the hour long schlockfest they've done all season. Ryan had kept up a brisk pace, quickly sending all the guys over to safety on the sofa (I had a moment of worry when Jason was waiting to hear his fate) leaving the two gals on the chopping block. He even took a few minutes to quickly "clear up" the PaulaGate situation, in the process confusing everybody that much more.
(What were the rumors? Was Paula supposed to be fired? What if instead of the contestants Ryan brought Paula onto the stage and told her she would be the one leaving us last night? That would have been fantastic.)
Anyway, by 9:28 Brooke and Syesha were standing on the stage with Ryan apparently about to learn who was heading home. I was whispering to myself, "Say it, Ryan, say it," but of course he didn't say it. We had to sit through Natasha Bedingfield singing some crap song and attempt to make out illegally with David Archuleta, Neil Diamond doing his arthritic thang, and a really, really lame call-in bit. Does anyone believe that Tara Miller, Simon's first kiss at 9 years old just happened to call in to the show all on her own? I didn't think so. I have to give it to Ryan, though, he pointed out to all the kids at home that 9 years old is too young to be kissing, getting the best laugh of the evening.

Finally we came to the moment of truth, and Brooke was sent home to Nannyville. It wasn't a surprise, especially not to Brooke herself, but I was still a bit sad. I have loved Brooke since the auditions. She doesn't have an amazing voice by any means, but sometimes it's not about that. When she get's it right ("Love is a Battlefield," "You're So Vain," "Let It Be") you get a feeling of authenticity from her. And even when she gets it wrong ("You Must Love Me," "I'm A Believer") she's just so sweet and self-effacing that you can't help but like her. I'll miss her interrupting the judges and I'll miss her adorable husband sitting in the audience cheering her on. So good luck Brooke, and here is my tribute to you:
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