In an EW interview Jason Castro hints that he wants to get voted off.
"I'll get around to practicing," he promised the EW reporter, after noting that his brother and a friend had visited over the weekend and that his Saturday meeting with Diamond had gone "really bad" because he didn't yet know his songs. "What happens happens. I'll sing and if people like it, they like it. And if they don't, they don't. I'm kind of ready to go home.
"It's been overwhelming," Castro continued. "I got 150 balloons yesterday delivered to the studio because people heard I was sick last week. That's cool, but that's just weird."
Please don't do this to me Castro. Stop yawning, start practicing, and try to make it to the top 3. I get what you're saying, I totally do. I think you are a shy guy for whom this whole experience has been a bit overwhelming, but you gotta try. For me. Please.
I'll stop crying now...
Try not to buy into the bad PR. It's most likely not true. They are contractually not allowed to interview. If she asked him questions off the record, it sounds like she wrote them out of context. TPTB don't want him to upset their dream finale of the two Davids. Let this nonsense inspire you to vote harder...not deflate you. Watch the video again. He's so happy to be there. Trust in Jason.
Such a good point! He did look happy I thought at the results show. Trust in Castro, it's my new motto!
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