Thursday, May 22, 2008
Funny Photos Part Deux

Funniest Photos From Last Night (Part 1?)

David Cook and David Archuleta Guitar Heroes
I Just Watched The Guitar Hero Commercials...
But I must say, commercial vs. commercial, Cook's was much better. He really committed, you know. Archuleta just couldn't quite pull off the underwear dancing. Plus, his boxers were so big they looked like they would swallow him whole. Funny concept, though. I hope they got nice paychecks from that. Tad bit embarrassing.
I prefer Sitar Hero myself...


I absolutely did not expect David Cook to win last night. If you read my post yesterday I really put forth what I thought was a quite sound postulation on the imminent win of David Archuleta. I seriously thought the guy had it. I didn't want him to win, but I didn 't imagine that he could be beat. Because if you read the message boards and blog comments you know that Archuleta has huge amounts of support. But I completely underestimated the will of those Cookie Monsters out there. Cook supporters turned out to vote in droves, and they must have kept at it all four hours, because he won by 12 million votes, according to Ryan Seacrest.

I think it's amazing that Cook, who has been a bit different, who represents the rock end of the music spectrum rather that the cheesy ballad singer end won American Idol. Cook really connected with the American Idol audience because he really can sing, he seems authentic, and he is such a nice guy. After the results were announced, you could see he wanted to be cool about it but just couldn't keep it together. Cook and his family are going through this crazy triumphant moment on television while another of the Cook sons is losing his battle with terminal cancer, and it seemed overwhelming for them all. I was touched by Cook's tears, and by his interaction with his mother and his brother, and by his brother's looking into the camera and saying, "That's my brother."
I guess what I'm saying is that this win couldn't have happened to a nicer guy and a nicer family. I'm so happy it turned out this way. David Archuleta will be fine. Nothing could stop that kid or his father's ambition, so I'm sure we will be seeing an album from him quite soon.

Anyway (deep breath) back to the show last night. Wow. I really don't have much snark in me this morning (other than to point out again Randy's really odd jacket/cravat situation). The show was absolutely the best finale in American Idol history. They jam packed that thing with celebrities and great musical numbers with cool performers. It was really entertaining. In past years I remember watching the finale and just wishing they would get to the end, but the show last night was really well done. The musical numbers where the Idol contestants sang with other acts were particularly great. Here are some of my favorite moments from the finale (and there are quite a few):
- Mike Myers as Guru Pitka trying to shave David Cook's beard. Now I'm going to have to see that movie even though I can't stand Jessica Alba. Darn you Myers and your funny characters.
- Seal singing with Syesha. When Seal came out, I knew that they were going to have some great talent show up.
- Ryan dancing during the Donna Summers number. I had to mention it again, we were rolling on the floor laughing. The guy has no rhythm.
- The guys singing with Brian Adams and especially Michael Johns singing "Summer of '69."
- Jason Castro singing Hallelujah again, with such confidence. He did it even better this time.
- Brooke White singing "Teach Your Children" with Graham Nash. I loved it when he kissed her hand at the end.
- David Cook rocking with ZZ Top. I wonder what the teenagers in the pit thought about those old guys with their beards. I kept saying to my husband that I wished they had rocked some songs like this earlier in the season.
- Gladys Knight and the "Pips" as reinvented by Ben Stiller, Jack Black and Robert Downey, Jr. I had tears streaming down my face. This is off topic but it's so fantastic that R.D. JR has made such an incredible comeback. I've always loved him and am happy to see him off the drugs and back in the movies.
- David Archuleta singing "Apologize" with OneRepublic. Again, this would have been a great song for him earlier in the season. This type of song is exactly what he should be doing. I was blown away. (But still bothered by his closed eyes.)
- Simon Cowell apologizing to David Cook just before the results were read. He admitted that the previous night's competition had been closer than he thought, and that his comments were disrespectful. I was shocked, because Simon doesn't admit he's wrong very often, as certainly not as forcefully as he did last night. Pretty classy.
- Of course, the announcement of the winner. We went nuts at my house.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
David vs. David

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Cooks Ill Bro Will Attend Finale. Cue Tears.

Simon Explains His Fantasia Face
Thursday, May 15, 2008
It's All You David...and David

I was also pleased to note that Simon had on a white button-up instead of his usual grey T Shirt, although he had about two too many buttons undone.
So they get to the end of the show, and the results are revealed...No shocker, it's going to be a David/David finale. Poor Syesha was not in the least bit surprised or even distressed. She knew what was coming. She handled it nicely, sang her song and made a classy exit. She should be proud of herself. She made it to the top 3 after having been at the bottom of the voting results like 14 times. Not too shabby.
I'm actually looking forward to next week's show. At least the results are not easily predicted, both Davids have a lot of support and it could easily go either way. I've been voting for Cookie since all my faves have been gone, but I almost hope for his sake that he doesn't win. He will still get a record deal, and he won't be saddled with whatever horrible songs the 19 entertainment people will make him record.
So, I'm suddenly feeling revitalized with AI excitement and looking forward to next weeks showdown.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Nigel Lythgoe Speaks About Archuleta's Stage Dad

Pics are from VFTW...
Top 3 Show Leaves Me Bitter and Depressed

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
More Tears For Castro, Tonight's Songs

Oh Ace, I Forgot Just How Cute You Are
Monday, May 12, 2008
I Think I've Dreamed This Scenario

Archie's Awful Stage Dad Is Out

9021 Uh Oh

Thursday, May 8, 2008
You're Grossin' Me Out Madonna

Jason Castro Explains It All

Jason denies that he was trying to get booted from the show, but he said he was "freaking out" over having to learn three new songs for next week's show.
"It has just really been hard ... I was starting to fear the week ahead. Like, how can I do three songs?. I can't even do two ... I was freaking out about it.
"I really felt relief, like the pressure was off. I loved my time on there, and I would have liked to go farther, but I don't think I could have handled it," he said.
"It was just my inexperience," he said about forgetting the lyrics to "Mr. Tambourine Man" Tuesday.
He said, "Vote, vote."
See the clip for yourselves here...
I Have Loved You Jason Castro

- I hope Kristy Lee was watching, because Syesha could give her some pointers on how to put an outfit together that includes a sequined tank top (hint: you shouldn't wear it with cowboy boots).
- The producers could have put together a tight half-hour show had they cut out the stupid call in bit and Maroon 5.
- Bo Bice rocks!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
It's Jen P.'s Morning After Email
I knew my David Cook was in rough waters after the first chorus of "do-do-do-do...do-do-do...do-do-do...do-do-do...do-do". For one, I didn't realize that Duran Duran had a spot in the Hall of Fame and I was flabbergasted that David didn't even know the damn song. What?! What kind of jukebox did they have in that bar he worked at?!
So, as I was watching the show via TIVO at 9:15, I just picked up the phone as soon as they announced David C's numbers to call. I dialed the "05" number about 50 times...getting through EVERY time. Uh-oh! I'm worried that this will be a bad replay of the Michael John's catastrophe. $#@&!!!!
And my prediction was wrong about David A. I did like his arrangement of "Stand By Me", but I can't stand the whole mini-Joe Cocker shaking thing he does. I notice that once he gets a few yelps and woo-hoos from the crowd that he starts closing his eyes and singing a little bit stronger. I even had an absolutely eerie moment after watching his performance; I turned to my husband after the judges comments and said that its become so annoying and predictable that when David gets praise, he acts like he's going to pass out from shock....AND THEN RYAN SAID THE SAME THING! What the hell? I should be hosting the show! I'm Ryan's Dunkleman! My husband tried to test me and paused the TIVO and said "Ok, smartie pants, what's Ryan going to say next?" My reply?: "Duh...If you want to vote for David, the numbers are..." I think he's a believer now, too...lol.
After the show was over, I had a lot of fun re-enacting Syesha's moves during her hair throwing, circle turning performance. AND THE TEARS?! This is not the finale, sister! Is she really gonna cry over a bad review? I thought her tears started when Paula gave her the standing "o". I'd have cried too, I guess, if the crazy judge was in my corner. Anyway, I thought there was way too much airtime spent on Syesha and her crying.
I really liked Jason Castro's first song and was surprised to hear the judges rip him apart. I don't think he's leaving, though.
It'll be an interesting results show. Cross your fingers for David C, ok?"
The Top 4 -- A Festival Of Mediocrity

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
It's Rock and Roll Night

Monday, May 5, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008

It's Anna Chlumsky, the girl who played Vada Sultenfuss in the "My Girl" movies. All grown up and seriously gorgeous. She's back in the Biz and making a movie with James Gandolfini.
Man I feel old.
Jason Castro Wants To Go Home?

"I'll get around to practicing," he promised the EW reporter, after noting that his brother and a friend had visited over the weekend and that his Saturday meeting with Diamond had gone "really bad" because he didn't yet know his songs. "What happens happens. I'll sing and if people like it, they like it. And if they don't, they don't. I'm kind of ready to go home.
"It's been overwhelming," Castro continued. "I got 150 balloons yesterday delivered to the studio because people heard I was sick last week. That's cool, but that's just weird."
Please don't do this to me Castro. Stop yawning, start practicing, and try to make it to the top 3. I get what you're saying, I totally do. I think you are a shy guy for whom this whole experience has been a bit overwhelming, but you gotta try. For me. Please.
Goodbye Brooke

At the half-way point of last night's results show I really thought that they were going to keep it at a crisp 1/2 hour instead of the hour long schlockfest they've done all season. Ryan had kept up a brisk pace, quickly sending all the guys over to safety on the sofa (I had a moment of worry when Jason was waiting to hear his fate) leaving the two gals on the chopping block. He even took a few minutes to quickly "clear up" the PaulaGate situation, in the process confusing everybody that much more.
(What were the rumors? Was Paula supposed to be fired? What if instead of the contestants Ryan brought Paula onto the stage and told her she would be the one leaving us last night? That would have been fantastic.)
Anyway, by 9:28 Brooke and Syesha were standing on the stage with Ryan apparently about to learn who was heading home. I was whispering to myself, "Say it, Ryan, say it," but of course he didn't say it. We had to sit through Natasha Bedingfield singing some crap song and attempt to make out illegally with David Archuleta, Neil Diamond doing his arthritic thang, and a really, really lame call-in bit. Does anyone believe that Tara Miller, Simon's first kiss at 9 years old just happened to call in to the show all on her own? I didn't think so. I have to give it to Ryan, though, he pointed out to all the kids at home that 9 years old is too young to be kissing, getting the best laugh of the evening.

Finally we came to the moment of truth, and Brooke was sent home to Nannyville. It wasn't a surprise, especially not to Brooke herself, but I was still a bit sad. I have loved Brooke since the auditions. She doesn't have an amazing voice by any means, but sometimes it's not about that. When she get's it right ("Love is a Battlefield," "You're So Vain," "Let It Be") you get a feeling of authenticity from her. And even when she gets it wrong ("You Must Love Me," "I'm A Believer") she's just so sweet and self-effacing that you can't help but like her. I'll miss her interrupting the judges and I'll miss her adorable husband sitting in the audience cheering her on. So good luck Brooke, and here is my tribute to you:
Jen P. Chimes In On PaulaGate
I was there, you were there....there was no scripted sequence of events when Paula became an even bigger idiot on television on Tuesday. She had NO previous notes from the dress rehearsal, but I do think that she was reading someone's live performance notes and thinking of Jason's rehearsal performance. I think she was just way flustered by having to wing it...she's always at a loss for words anyway. If she'd have only stuck to commenting on their wardrobe, eh?..... I could tell that she was a bit anxious when the subject was broached during the results show last night. Her posture and expression immediately changed; like the crowd was going to burst into chants of "Paula's Cukoo" or start throwing rotten tomatoes at her. This kind of thing makes Idol more fun and much better water cooler talk, and to think we were present for PaulaGate is very, very cool! It may become one of those "point in time" references where every single person in America knows exactly where they were when it happened and we can say that we were just feet away from the moron herself!
On another Idol note, Brooke's been ousted this week. My first thought: what's Syesha to do with no more roommates? I was actually very surprised that Brooke got voted out. I would have thought her to have a much bigger fan base than Syesha...which now really worries me. Who the hell is voting for Syesha? Are there that many Broadway and cruise ship people?
I could have knocked Natasha B out last night when she just had to go over and hug David Archusickofmeyet. She could have done all that after the show, had her private moment or whatever...so why the heck make a fool of her 26 year old self by side hugging little David like a new pet? So weird. Hate her now. I still predict a David vs David finale. I hope they let Cook change up the predictable/sappy/top 40/fan written finale song to his liking. Otherwise, there may be an unfair advantage like last year's song that was absolutely not suited for Blake. They should let the contestants write their own damn songs for the finale....now that would be some entertainment!