Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Who's Gettin' The Cowboy Boot?

Aaah, Wednesday. Ryan Seacrest's favorite night of the week. It's what he sold his soul to Beelzebub for, the opportunity to break the hearts of young, talented singers on national TV. Although, I use the word talented loosely, especially if it's KLC or Ramiele getting their due tonight.

The best performances last night were 1) Michael Johns 2) Carly Smithson 3) David Cook. The worst were 6) David Archuleta 7) Syesha 8) KLC 9) Ramiele. Brooke and Jason are tied for the middle ground.

So of course I think the bottom 3 should be some combination of those 4 that I listed as the worst, but every week I am surprised by who actually ends up in the dreaded metal stools. The scary part is that KLC and Ramiele seem to have really strong fan bases that keep voting heavily for them week after week, otherwise they wouldn't still be there. I think that some of the other more talented contestants, like Jason, Brooke and Carly, have fans that are of the type who watch the show and love it but may not necessarily vote to keep their fave on. Which means that someone really good could end up going home again this week, while the dynamic duo rests comfortably on the velvet bleachers.

I think Jason, Brooke and Carly could all be vulnerable tonight. If any of those three end up sent home tonight, I may have one of those "I'LL NEVER WATCH AI AGAIN" crises.

Anyway, here is my best guess at tonight's bottom 3: Ramiele, Syesha, Kristy Lee. I think Kristy Lee will be safe because she was a country gal singin' country music last night and all her down home peeps voted to keep her on. So I think it will be Ramiele going home tonight. No bets, because I've been wrong about this week after week, but my feeling is that she's at the end of the AI line. I hope Dolly comes out and kicks her off with a rhinestone encrusted boot!

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