As I write this the morning after the AI results show, I'm trying to remember if there was anything interesting that happened last night. Let's see...Nope, nothing. I did notice that Kristy Lee had her sequined tank top and jeans back on again. Other than that, and Dolly's strange outfit of pedal pushers and sequined train, nothing comes to mind. Even the devil, er, Ryan, seemed pretty toned down last night. Oh wait, that reminds me...I am so sick of KLC's smart alecky remarks to Ryan and Simon, and her little note that showed she knew she was in the bottom 3 was stupid. Hey Kristy, if you know you suck, then do better. Don't get huffy at the people on the show. It's not Simon's faut you can't sing.
Anyway, no suprise to anyone, Ramiele was voted off last night. She should be happy, she got pretty far and she'll be able to go on tour. Then for Pete's sake I hope she goes to college and gets a real job. I don't want to see a Ramiele album in the bargain bin at Target in 4 years.
The thing is, that once KLC get's voted off (hopefully next week) everyone remaining is really good. So it's going to be people that we love in the bottom 3 every week from now on. My prediction is that the next two will be Brooke and Jason, even though I would rather see Syesha go than either of them. Syesha is kind of a wild card, I don't think she'll make the top three but she has really gained some momentum recently. Then MJ, and the finale will be a David extravaganza. And David A. will win because all the teenagers and moms love him. And the teenagers vote.
But don't be sad Ramiele fans. I'm sure we'll see her in audience of next week's show. Good luck Ramiele, I bet you'd make a great dentist.
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