What the...Wait a second...What?! NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! How can this be? How can Michael Johns be going home while Syesha and the sequined Kristy Lee are safe yet again. I'm having flashbacks of last season when Sanjaya was safe week after week while really good contestants were sent home.
I know, I know. Just a couple of days ago I wrote that MJ was no longer my favorite due to his inconsistent and irresposible song choices. That doesn't mean that I wanted him to go home. I was hoping against hope that he would have at least another week to sing something great. I am just totally shocked.
Mephistopheles, or Ryan as they call him on the show, hit a new evil low tonight when breaking the news to MJ. He tells him that he has the lowest votes that week, then, with his arm comfortingly around his shoulders, reminds MJ and the viewing audience that last year they didn't send anyone home the week of Idol Gives Back. I could see a look in the sexy Australian's eyes that said maybe he might squeak out of this. The Mr. Evil says nope, this year we ARE sending MJ home. That's so unecessary. I know Lucifer is instructed to play it that way by the producers, but he takes way too much pleasure in torturing the contestants. Especially on a night where the results are a bit shocking and emotional.
In a way, this is what makes Idol so compulsively watchable; the possibility that the results will be shocking. It's fun week after week when the crappy ones get voted off, but when someone really compelling, like MJ or Daughtry, gets the boot it really makes for great entertainment. That shock factor, the suspense and the last two minutes of the results show are what keep us coming back week after week.
The fact is that I will really miss that hot Australian. Even with his weird gyrations on the stage, unattractively pretentious neck cravats, and horribly bad song choices I loved watching him. His "Across the Universe" is on repeat on my ipod right now, and his "Bohemian Rhapsody" and "It's All Wrong But It's All Right" are two of my favorite Idol performances of the past 7 seasons. I hope to see him go on to do something great.
i don't understand it either, they let that skank kristie lee cook stay but let him go home?? he is 4 times better than she is, america has no taste at all.. and then carly was worse than he was and she stayed..
I really don't understand how MJ could've been voted off. I thought he had one of the best performances of the night and I actually liked it better than Aerosmith's version. He's a much better singer than Stephen Tyler. It makes no sense at all. All of the remaining girls, with the exception of Brooke, are horrible and/or annoying. Syesha or Kristy Lee should be goners. Carly (and her hideous tattoo) should be right behind them.
Now, I'll have to root for the underdog, Jason, since he's the only one of the guys left with any originality. David A is good and likeable, but I simply do not get the whole David C thing. Do we really need another Daughtry? One of them was more than enough. Also, his cover versions of songs that everyone is raving about have ruined them for me forever (with the exception of maybe Hello and Eleanor Rigby)...and what the hell was the song that he sang this week...absolutely dreadful. I actually would've liked seeing him go home this week, but all of the teeny-boppers with no taste will sail him to the finals where he definitely does not deserve to be. He's a wannabe with a big head (literally) and an ego. Simon's comments were spot on.
Michael is one of my favorites -- in addition to Carly (although I don't like her tatoos!). I do not think Michael should have been booted off while letting David Cook remain since I feel he performed worse than Michael. Is America only voting for the young ones?
I was as shocked as all by Michael's elimination. I believe he is one of the better singers. On a side not this might be the best thing that happened to him...just look at Doughtry and how far he has come I think this might benefit Michael in the end.
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