First of all, what the frick was Paula wearing last night? She was waving those gloves around more than a mime on a street corner would. Yes, honey, we see them. In other fashion related Idol news, I was relieved to see that the stylists have finally talked some sense into Kristy Lee Cook. She actually looked cute last night. The jeans weren't ripped, there wasn't a sequin in sight and the blue eyeshadow has mercifully disappeared. Everyone's hair also looked great last night. Carly and Brooke both had very smooth and pretty hairstyles. Although, did you see the kid pics of Carly in her intro video? She had a bigger 'fro than Dr. J. I would love to know how they get that mane straightened out.
As far as the singing goes last night, I was very bored by the whole thing. Maybe I am still exhausted from the Easter festivities that took place at my house, but I just could not muster up one bit of enthusiasm for the show last night. The contestants picked songs from the year of their birth (with quite a few coming from 1987) and some of the song choices were really strange. I fast forwarded through some of the performances, including Ramiele and Chikezie. Not surprisingly, those are the two that seem to be in the most trouble heading into tonights results show. KLC actually had the unanimous approval of the judges last night with her rendition of country anthem God Bless the USA. I thought it was a pretty odd song to sing on a show that is supposedly about creating pop idols, but hey, it seemed to work for her. Simon thought it was a pretty shrewd move on her part, keep the country folks voting for the patriotic gal. Looks like she may not be in the bottom 3 for the first time in weeks. Here are my brief thoughts on the rest:
David Cook - Best of the night with a cover of a cover of Michael Jackson's Billie Jean. Randy calls him original, but I disagree. Usually he is just covering a song that someone else has already covered in an original way. He was good though and really hit that big note at the end. This guy could win the whole thing.
Michael Johns - 2nd best, finally! Did a great job with Queen's We Will Rock You/We Are The Champions. Hit the notes and really sang his patoot off.
Brooke White - I love her every week and this week was no exception. The judges gave her performance of The Police's Every Breath You Take mixed reviews, but I though she was excellent. Except for the beginning where she flubbed the note then started over. She got kudos from all of the judges, and it was cute in a very Brooke way, but I wondered to myself if that little "mistake" wasn't planned by her ahead of time. It seemed too well done. Like she wanted to show them she's a pro and isn't it cute how she can pull off even a mistake. I'm probably reading way too much into it, and like her either way, but that was my feeling about it.
My gal Carly - Sang Total Eclipse of the Heart, a song I lurve from the eighties. She was great but the judges seem to want to hate on her for some reason. The girl is outsinging everyone else on the show but they seem to pick her apart every week. She was good, leave her alone. Her husband scares me though, I wish they wouldn't spotlight him in the audience.
Syesha - Great, again, but somehow she always gets eclipsed by the other contestants and their wacky songs.
David Archuleta - He sings good, obviously, but what song was that? Randy didn't even recognize it which is not a good sign. These contestants need to understand that they should sing songs that are recognizable, otherwise you end up in the bottom 3. People at home want to sing along, and they can't sing along to some obscure, hokey song that was never on the radio. Simon was exactly right when he said it sounded "theme-park." David A. needs to be very careful in the weeks ahead to pick songs that are right for his age and not too preachy. He seems to want to preach to us about the environment and peace and homeless people in his songs and that is not why we watch American Idol. We watch to forget about all that stuff and if he keeps this up he may find himself off the show.
Jason Castro - I love this guy, but his cover of Sting's Fragile was a little too laid back, even for Dreadlock Guy. He's just so dang cute, but I have a feeling he will be on the chopping block soon.
Chikezie - Poor Chikezie. I really like him but his song was boring, like I said earlier I tivo'd right through it. He is very vulnerable again tonight.
Ramiele - Time to go home.
Man, I wish the producers would come up with a good week of songs for these contestants because I for one am losing interest fast.
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