True story: Last week after David Archuleta sang, I looked at my husband and said, "He should have sung The Long and Winding Road." So, I feel somewhat responsible for his triumph last night, almost as if he really was listening to me.
Little David was back on form last night and did an amazing job with the song mentioned above. He was without a doubt the best of the night, followed by Syesha, who finally found the right song for her with Paul McCartney's Yesterday.
Other than those two, I think Simon was right when he said that they shouldn't have revisited The Beatles this week, and just kept the memory of last week's great performances. This was a wierd week, no one (except for Archuleta) was at their best, and they picked odd songs. No one sang Hey Jude. Wouldn't Michael Johns or Jason Castro done a fabulous Hey Jude? Instead Michael trashed A Day in the Life by chopping it up into a furiously manic arrangement. Jason did a really cute Michelle, and he gave my heart a little pitter patter when he sang in French, but it wasn't his best.
I was also disappointed by Carly Smithson's rendition of Blackbird. I wish she would have slowed it down and sang it softly with just an accoustic guitar beside her.
I liked Brooke's version of Here Comes the Sun better than the judges did. I felt they were way to hard on her. She picked good song for herself, and other than the strange dancing, she was pretty good.
Amanda was Ok. She picked a good song, Back in the USSR, but it just seems like the same ol' same 'ol. She also would have done a great job with Helter Skelter.
Not to sound too much like Randy, but Chikeze was just OK for me. He tried to do the same thing he did last week, but much less successfully.
I liked David Cook's Day Tripper better than I liked last week's Eleanor Rigby, although I seem to be the only person in America who feels that way. He is really good, though, I could see him going to the final.
Ramiele was pretty good, her I Should Have Known Better was definitely better, for me at least, than last week. She seems to have a fan base, but I wonder if it was enough to keep her out of the bottom 3.
And finally, Kristy Lee Cook, or KLC as my friend Jen has nicknamed her. What to say, what to say...I guess I just wonder what in the H-E-double hockey sticks she is thinking. She picked the song from the title. I mean, why not listen to some of the songs and find one that has a key and melody to suit your voice? One that you can sing well? Of all the songs in the Lennon/McCartney and George Harrison catalogs she picked You've Got To Hide Your Love Away, a dark Lennon ode to insecurity and forbidden love. Uh, what? And she did not "work it out" to quote Randy once again. It wasn't good. She does not have a clue who she is, musically, and it shows. And please get a stylist, you are on national TV. I would imagine that she is pretty vulnerable tonight.
I won't even try to predict who's going home tonight, because I am always wrong, but I would say that in addition to KLC, Ramiele is vulnerable as well as Amanda. And maybe Chikezie. We'll see tonight.
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