I guess next week is Dolly Parton week on AI. What????? Listen, I love Dolly Parton, this is nothing against Dolly Parton, it's just that I can't quite wrap my head around a whole week devoted to Dolly Parton music. It's like the producers are trying to keep KLC on. Some of the contestants are going to be at a real disadvantage with this. It seems like an odd choice. This season is starting to be the season of ridiculous producer decisions. Two weeks of Beatles, bizarre birth year songs and now Dolly Parton. The show doesn't seem to be picking up any momentum, but instead is mired down in these wierd song weeks. It wouldn't surprise me at this point to have Marilyn Manson week or Alvin and the Chipmunks week. I do not get it.
Speaking of things I don't get, did you see Constantine in the audience last night? I seriously hate him.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
I Think Your Wish Will Come True Next Week
Here's some comments by Jen P., via our email AI converation:
Man, someone needs to do a DNA test on John Travolta, because I think Jason Castro is his missing offspring. Crazy similiarity. I can't stop looking at Castro waiting for him to do Travolta's Sweathog laugh. Creeping me out.
I read your blog to Dave prior to us watching the Tuesday night show via TIVO. He wanted to fast forward through Ramiele & Chickeze, too (see the power you have!) and we both decided to forward through Syesha as well. I declared that I really do not like her, although Dave says he does. "Why?", I asked. He says because she's confident. That's exactly why I DON'T like her. Her confidence comes off as arrogance to me. Yuck. I was crossing my fingers for her to get the foot to the ass, but God was not smiling on me last night, I guess. He must have been mad at me for lusting after MJ, being a married woman & all.
I have a feeling it'll be Brooke, MJ, and the 2 Davids in the end. Then, I think little Dave & MJ will split their votes, so it'll be Brook and Dave C in the finale. They'll probably bring John Mayer on for the finale show to do a duet w/Brooke now that she's said he's her dream duo partner and maybe they'll hook Dave C up with Pink....oooo..I'd like to hear that!
How come they haven't had the damn guest performers work w/the contestants yet?
Man, someone needs to do a DNA test on John Travolta, because I think Jason Castro is his missing offspring. Crazy similiarity. I can't stop looking at Castro waiting for him to do Travolta's Sweathog laugh. Creeping me out.
I read your blog to Dave prior to us watching the Tuesday night show via TIVO. He wanted to fast forward through Ramiele & Chickeze, too (see the power you have!) and we both decided to forward through Syesha as well. I declared that I really do not like her, although Dave says he does. "Why?", I asked. He says because she's confident. That's exactly why I DON'T like her. Her confidence comes off as arrogance to me. Yuck. I was crossing my fingers for her to get the foot to the ass, but God was not smiling on me last night, I guess. He must have been mad at me for lusting after MJ, being a married woman & all.
I have a feeling it'll be Brooke, MJ, and the 2 Davids in the end. Then, I think little Dave & MJ will split their votes, so it'll be Brook and Dave C in the finale. They'll probably bring John Mayer on for the finale show to do a duet w/Brooke now that she's said he's her dream duo partner and maybe they'll hook Dave C up with Pink....oooo..I'd like to hear that!
How come they haven't had the damn guest performers work w/the contestants yet?
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I'll Miss You Chikezie Eze
It's a stream of consciousness post tonight, I'm watching as I type. OK, bottom 3: Syesha, Chikezie and Jason Castro. I'm kind of surprised about Syesha.
Man, this sucks. Someone good is going home. There's both Kristy and Ramiele safe on the couch while 3 better performers are sweating it out. Even Kristy looks guilty because she knows she's taking the spot from someone more deserving...Oh wait, Jason is safe. Phew...Ryan (the devil) has gleefully announced a commercial break, so a few more minutes before we know. I like Syesha but I would rather see her go than Chikezie.
Here we go...OH NO! Chikezie is going home...I like Chikezie so much, I am so upset that KLC is still there and he is going home. My husband just said, "They got it wrong" and I totally agree. Goodbye cheerful Chikiezie, we'll miss ya.
Man, this sucks. Someone good is going home. There's both Kristy and Ramiele safe on the couch while 3 better performers are sweating it out. Even Kristy looks guilty because she knows she's taking the spot from someone more deserving...Oh wait, Jason is safe. Phew...Ryan (the devil) has gleefully announced a commercial break, so a few more minutes before we know. I like Syesha but I would rather see her go than Chikezie.
Here we go...OH NO! Chikezie is going home...I like Chikezie so much, I am so upset that KLC is still there and he is going home. My husband just said, "They got it wrong" and I totally agree. Goodbye cheerful Chikiezie, we'll miss ya.
Who's Gettin' The Boot Tonight?
I am the worst at predicting who gets to go home each week. It's never who I think it will be. I've been waiting for Kristy to go home week after week, but she obviously has a legion of fans voting for her, and will probably be safe after last night's patriotic country song. Not to mention that she has Vote For The Worst promoting her since the departure of Amanda last week. The bottom three will almost certainly include Ramiele and Chikezie, but the third spot could really go to anyone. My money is on Carly or possibly (gasp) David Archuleta, who's baby chick freshness is wearing off. My head says Chikezie will probably go, my heart hopes it's Ramiele. Please please let Carly be safe this week.
Top 10 Snoozefest

First of all, what the frick was Paula wearing last night? She was waving those gloves around more than a mime on a street corner would. Yes, honey, we see them. In other fashion related Idol news, I was relieved to see that the stylists have finally talked some sense into Kristy Lee Cook. She actually looked cute last night. The jeans weren't ripped, there wasn't a sequin in sight and the blue eyeshadow has mercifully disappeared. Everyone's hair also looked great last night. Carly and Brooke both had very smooth and pretty hairstyles. Although, did you see the kid pics of Carly in her intro video? She had a bigger 'fro than Dr. J. I would love to know how they get that mane straightened out.
As far as the singing goes last night, I was very bored by the whole thing. Maybe I am still exhausted from the Easter festivities that took place at my house, but I just could not muster up one bit of enthusiasm for the show last night. The contestants picked songs from the year of their birth (with quite a few coming from 1987) and some of the song choices were really strange. I fast forwarded through some of the performances, including Ramiele and Chikezie. Not surprisingly, those are the two that seem to be in the most trouble heading into tonights results show. KLC actually had the unanimous approval of the judges last night with her rendition of country anthem God Bless the USA. I thought it was a pretty odd song to sing on a show that is supposedly about creating pop idols, but hey, it seemed to work for her. Simon thought it was a pretty shrewd move on her part, keep the country folks voting for the patriotic gal. Looks like she may not be in the bottom 3 for the first time in weeks. Here are my brief thoughts on the rest:
David Cook - Best of the night with a cover of a cover of Michael Jackson's Billie Jean. Randy calls him original, but I disagree. Usually he is just covering a song that someone else has already covered in an original way. He was good though and really hit that big note at the end. This guy could win the whole thing.
Michael Johns - 2nd best, finally! Did a great job with Queen's We Will Rock You/We Are The Champions. Hit the notes and really sang his patoot off.
Brooke White - I love her every week and this week was no exception. The judges gave her performance of The Police's Every Breath You Take mixed reviews, but I though she was excellent. Except for the beginning where she flubbed the note then started over. She got kudos from all of the judges, and it was cute in a very Brooke way, but I wondered to myself if that little "mistake" wasn't planned by her ahead of time. It seemed too well done. Like she wanted to show them she's a pro and isn't it cute how she can pull off even a mistake. I'm probably reading way too much into it, and like her either way, but that was my feeling about it.
My gal Carly - Sang Total Eclipse of the Heart, a song I lurve from the eighties. She was great but the judges seem to want to hate on her for some reason. The girl is outsinging everyone else on the show but they seem to pick her apart every week. She was good, leave her alone. Her husband scares me though, I wish they wouldn't spotlight him in the audience.
Syesha - Great, again, but somehow she always gets eclipsed by the other contestants and their wacky songs.
David Archuleta - He sings good, obviously, but what song was that? Randy didn't even recognize it which is not a good sign. These contestants need to understand that they should sing songs that are recognizable, otherwise you end up in the bottom 3. People at home want to sing along, and they can't sing along to some obscure, hokey song that was never on the radio. Simon was exactly right when he said it sounded "theme-park." David A. needs to be very careful in the weeks ahead to pick songs that are right for his age and not too preachy. He seems to want to preach to us about the environment and peace and homeless people in his songs and that is not why we watch American Idol. We watch to forget about all that stuff and if he keeps this up he may find himself off the show.
Jason Castro - I love this guy, but his cover of Sting's Fragile was a little too laid back, even for Dreadlock Guy. He's just so dang cute, but I have a feeling he will be on the chopping block soon.
Chikezie - Poor Chikezie. I really like him but his song was boring, like I said earlier I tivo'd right through it. He is very vulnerable again tonight.
Ramiele - Time to go home.
Man, I wish the producers would come up with a good week of songs for these contestants because I for one am losing interest fast.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Fare Thee Well Skunky, er, Amanda
I am sincerely hoping that the results shows will be a 1/2 hour in length from here on out. There's just no need for a full hour to give us 10 seconds of news. The viewer calls, and the recaps of old contestant's charitable works. I'd prefer to skip it. Kellie Pickler was cute though.
And Simon, please. No ego. Oh, ok, sure, whatever you say. I love ya, but give me a break.
Anyway...I had quite a moment when my gal Carly was in the bottom three. Oh my. At least it wasn't Michael Johns. I really just want to smack him out of this idea that he should choose songs because it's so cool that he gets to sing them on that stage. I keep hearing him say that. Just pick song you can sing well, not necessarily songs you like. Once you win you can sing whatever you want.
But I digress yet again. So the bottom 2 were Amanda and KLC. Not surprising and they are the two weakest links. Thankfully Ryan kept the gleeful torture to a minimum got down to business. And Kristy Lee, the luckiest girl in the universe tonight, lives to wear another awful outfit on TV whilst Amanda goes back to nursing and honky tonk bars. Ah such is life. Such is American Idol.
And Simon, please. No ego. Oh, ok, sure, whatever you say. I love ya, but give me a break.
Anyway...I had quite a moment when my gal Carly was in the bottom three. Oh my. At least it wasn't Michael Johns. I really just want to smack him out of this idea that he should choose songs because it's so cool that he gets to sing them on that stage. I keep hearing him say that. Just pick song you can sing well, not necessarily songs you like. Once you win you can sing whatever you want.
But I digress yet again. So the bottom 2 were Amanda and KLC. Not surprising and they are the two weakest links. Thankfully Ryan kept the gleeful torture to a minimum got down to business. And Kristy Lee, the luckiest girl in the universe tonight, lives to wear another awful outfit on TV whilst Amanda goes back to nursing and honky tonk bars. Ah such is life. Such is American Idol.
Why why why?
Ack! What is happening? Carly is in the bottom 3. How did this happen?!!!!!
More later...
More later...
Jen P. Speaks
So I am always mentioning my friend Jen in this blog because we are both Idol fanatics and we discuss it quite a bit. And she organizes our friendly Idol Pool. I have asked her to contribute to my blog but can't get her to do it. However she sent me her thoughts on last nights show and I thought it would be good to have another opinion here. So here is the wisdom of Jen P.:
Ok, I barely stayed awake to watch the whole show. Dave went to bed @ 8:15, so I was left to fend off the kids by myself. I had to rewind a couple times but I managed to complete last night's show. My thought: Not to give your ego a push, but my favorite was Carly Smithson. I'm coming around to liking her, although she needs to STOP with the tattoos. Last night's shirt with the ruffle collar was a little odd with the ink sleeve going down her arm. I thought she sounded really good, with a deeper sound that I hadn't heard from her before. I really liked her last night, which made me wonder why the judges didn't. I guess that's why I work here and not in the recording industry.
KLC wasn't so bad last night, but I think its just too late for her to redeem herself to America. She looks so cute in her montages, but then she has all this poofy hair on her performance nights. Yuck! I see her as a very wholesome American girl, but the stylists keep giving her beehives and big curls.
Sayesha's new look was great last night. I've found her to be very obnoxious (the "I'm an actress" line is starting to grate on my nerves!) and I've wanted her to go every elimination night, but I had to step back a bit yesterday. Her hair was darling and her boobs looked perfect in that dress. I didn't like her glitter eyeshadow, though, becuase I kept thinking she was crying during the performance.
Chikeze was whack! WTH? The switch from slow to fast in the song was awful and OH when he pulled that harmonica out, I was seriously pleading "No, no" out loud. I think he took the bluegrass remark from last week to a whole different level...a really wrong level.
Ramiele...bottom 3
Amanda, Amanda, Amanda. She just looked downright dirty; like she just got off work at the tire shop. I thought her outfit was horrid (no style at all) and her hair!!....(gasp)....looked flat & greasy. It seriously looked like she rolled out of bed, put on her biker boyfriend's outfit, walked on the AI lot, just put out a cigarette and stepped on stage.
David A & Jason C....they're getting overrated for me.
David C...I was wondering the whole time what was up w/the 2nd mic. I was kinda hoping that Daughtry was gonna run on stage and they were gonna rock the house, but I was left with just a weird mouth harp performance. When they kept egging Ryan on to try out the harp, I was cringing with the whole saliva issue so I was glad to see Ryan decline. Speaking of Ryan, he did a good French accent himself.
MJ? "He's got a way about him...and I don't know what it is". It's that damn INXS or Bono-ish movement he does on stage that is starting to make me want to look away. He reaches for Heaven now & then and that makes me nuts, too (in a bad way). I'm starting to think he does the same movements, just sings a different song each week. He just needs to sit his ass down and hold the mic with one hand and put the other one on his leg and just sing the damn song. I feel like I'm watching the guy from Simple Minds...just that MJ has better hair. I'm sure next week we're gonna hear about another favorite song of friend that died or a neighbor's dog that was run over or his sister's cousin's brother's baby's daddy if he gets bad reviews from the judges.
Bottom 3 for me?...I'm kinda w/you....Amanda, KLC, & Ramiele or Chickeze.
Adios, Jen P
Ok, I barely stayed awake to watch the whole show. Dave went to bed @ 8:15, so I was left to fend off the kids by myself. I had to rewind a couple times but I managed to complete last night's show. My thought: Not to give your ego a push, but my favorite was Carly Smithson. I'm coming around to liking her, although she needs to STOP with the tattoos. Last night's shirt with the ruffle collar was a little odd with the ink sleeve going down her arm. I thought she sounded really good, with a deeper sound that I hadn't heard from her before. I really liked her last night, which made me wonder why the judges didn't. I guess that's why I work here and not in the recording industry.
KLC wasn't so bad last night, but I think its just too late for her to redeem herself to America. She looks so cute in her montages, but then she has all this poofy hair on her performance nights. Yuck! I see her as a very wholesome American girl, but the stylists keep giving her beehives and big curls.
Sayesha's new look was great last night. I've found her to be very obnoxious (the "I'm an actress" line is starting to grate on my nerves!) and I've wanted her to go every elimination night, but I had to step back a bit yesterday. Her hair was darling and her boobs looked perfect in that dress. I didn't like her glitter eyeshadow, though, becuase I kept thinking she was crying during the performance.
Chikeze was whack! WTH? The switch from slow to fast in the song was awful and OH when he pulled that harmonica out, I was seriously pleading "No, no" out loud. I think he took the bluegrass remark from last week to a whole different level...a really wrong level.
Ramiele...bottom 3
Amanda, Amanda, Amanda. She just looked downright dirty; like she just got off work at the tire shop. I thought her outfit was horrid (no style at all) and her hair!!....(gasp)....looked flat & greasy. It seriously looked like she rolled out of bed, put on her biker boyfriend's outfit, walked on the AI lot, just put out a cigarette and stepped on stage.
David A & Jason C....they're getting overrated for me.
David C...I was wondering the whole time what was up w/the 2nd mic. I was kinda hoping that Daughtry was gonna run on stage and they were gonna rock the house, but I was left with just a weird mouth harp performance. When they kept egging Ryan on to try out the harp, I was cringing with the whole saliva issue so I was glad to see Ryan decline. Speaking of Ryan, he did a good French accent himself.
MJ? "He's got a way about him...and I don't know what it is". It's that damn INXS or Bono-ish movement he does on stage that is starting to make me want to look away. He reaches for Heaven now & then and that makes me nuts, too (in a bad way). I'm starting to think he does the same movements, just sings a different song each week. He just needs to sit his ass down and hold the mic with one hand and put the other one on his leg and just sing the damn song. I feel like I'm watching the guy from Simple Minds...just that MJ has better hair. I'm sure next week we're gonna hear about another favorite song of friend that died or a neighbor's dog that was run over or his sister's cousin's brother's baby's daddy if he gets bad reviews from the judges.
Bottom 3 for me?...I'm kinda w/you....Amanda, KLC, & Ramiele or Chickeze.
Adios, Jen P
Check me out!

So, I usually post my weekly reviews over on a blog at AmericanIdol.com and today my blog is in the spotlight! Woo hoo...If only there was a cash prize involved. You can see it here.
Beatles Night Part Deux

True story: Last week after David Archuleta sang, I looked at my husband and said, "He should have sung The Long and Winding Road." So, I feel somewhat responsible for his triumph last night, almost as if he really was listening to me.
Little David was back on form last night and did an amazing job with the song mentioned above. He was without a doubt the best of the night, followed by Syesha, who finally found the right song for her with Paul McCartney's Yesterday.
Other than those two, I think Simon was right when he said that they shouldn't have revisited The Beatles this week, and just kept the memory of last week's great performances. This was a wierd week, no one (except for Archuleta) was at their best, and they picked odd songs. No one sang Hey Jude. Wouldn't Michael Johns or Jason Castro done a fabulous Hey Jude? Instead Michael trashed A Day in the Life by chopping it up into a furiously manic arrangement. Jason did a really cute Michelle, and he gave my heart a little pitter patter when he sang in French, but it wasn't his best.
I was also disappointed by Carly Smithson's rendition of Blackbird. I wish she would have slowed it down and sang it softly with just an accoustic guitar beside her.
I liked Brooke's version of Here Comes the Sun better than the judges did. I felt they were way to hard on her. She picked good song for herself, and other than the strange dancing, she was pretty good.
Amanda was Ok. She picked a good song, Back in the USSR, but it just seems like the same ol' same 'ol. She also would have done a great job with Helter Skelter.
Not to sound too much like Randy, but Chikeze was just OK for me. He tried to do the same thing he did last week, but much less successfully.
I liked David Cook's Day Tripper better than I liked last week's Eleanor Rigby, although I seem to be the only person in America who feels that way. He is really good, though, I could see him going to the final.
Ramiele was pretty good, her I Should Have Known Better was definitely better, for me at least, than last week. She seems to have a fan base, but I wonder if it was enough to keep her out of the bottom 3.
And finally, Kristy Lee Cook, or KLC as my friend Jen has nicknamed her. What to say, what to say...I guess I just wonder what in the H-E-double hockey sticks she is thinking. She picked the song from the title. I mean, why not listen to some of the songs and find one that has a key and melody to suit your voice? One that you can sing well? Of all the songs in the Lennon/McCartney and George Harrison catalogs she picked You've Got To Hide Your Love Away, a dark Lennon ode to insecurity and forbidden love. Uh, what? And she did not "work it out" to quote Randy once again. It wasn't good. She does not have a clue who she is, musically, and it shows. And please get a stylist, you are on national TV. I would imagine that she is pretty vulnerable tonight.
I won't even try to predict who's going home tonight, because I am always wrong, but I would say that in addition to KLC, Ramiele is vulnerable as well as Amanda. And maybe Chikezie. We'll see tonight.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Simon Truly Hates Ryan
I caught a little bit of Simon Cowell on Oprah Winfrey yesterday, and he flat out told Oprah that he doesn't like Ryan at all and he has nothing to do with Paula. He said he used to be OK with Ryan, you know they went to Africa together, but that Ryan has changed and is unbearable at this point. I was a bit surprised that he was speaking so frankly. I wish I could find a clip of that part of the show, if I do I'll post it. 

I Lurve Joel McHale
"Congratulations Yoko Ono, assassins, cancer and one-legged gold diggers. You're no longer the worst thing that's happened to The Beatles."
This whole video is funny, but fast forward to about 2:00 to see Joel discussing David Archuleta's performance.
This whole video is funny, but fast forward to about 2:00 to see Joel discussing David Archuleta's performance.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Fresh Hatched Chick Has Horrible Stage Dad

So, conspiracy theorists are saying that David Archuleta may have intentionally tanked his performance on Tuesday in order to cool his hype a bit. Some of the bloggers and AI watchers can't believe that someone who has been singing in front of an audience as long as David would forget his lyrics, or be so utterly unprepared as he appeared to be. Others have called in to question his statement that he didn't know anything about the Beatles or their songs, given that he sang "Imagine" just 3 short weeks ago. It does seem odd, and out of character for this kid who seems to have been born in front of a micropohone. But I don't think there is a "conspiracy"and I'll tell you why. His hype was already cooling. Remember last week, his dour performance of Phil Collins "Another Day in Paradise"? Simon panned it, none of the judges were thrilled, he didn't lose any fans, but his momentum was stalled. Also, look at him. Does he look like he machinating any plots? Maybe I am completely fooled by his childlike appearance, but Little David doesn't seem like he is capable of any sort of dastardly deeds.
His dad, on the other hand, is apparently some sort of evil stage parent. ET is reporting that Little David's dad, Jeff, was once banned from the Star Search set for underhanded behavior. He hangs around the AI set yelling at David to the point of tears. So maybe the Dad thought that by haranguing his kid to the point that his performance suffered, he would cool his hype, thereby preventing him from peaking too soon? Sounds complicated, no? Regardless of any theories, conspiracy or otherwise, this guy Jeff sounds like a jerk. How could you make that sweet little kid cry?
Check out the ET story here.
Take That Dead Horse And Beat It, AI
So, I'm hearing that the remaining 11 contestants will be singing the Beatles again next week. WTF? Something must be up. Are they trying to get Paul McCartney for a surprise appearance and couldn't pull it off this week, so they're trying again? I don't get it. My love for the Beatles has been well covered in a previous post, but this is ridiculous. Producers, do your job. Find a different theme each week.
1 Down 10 To Go - The Shocking Results
Actually, Ryan did not make Kristy Lee cry in last night's results show. KLC took control of the situation and preempted Ryan (the Devil) Seacrest's sadistic delay tactics when she asked for the mic so she could move herself down into the bottom 3. She knew what was coming and she wasn't going to play Seacrest's reindeer games. Good for her. I love that she showed some spunk.
I really thought for sure that KLC was heading home last night. The bottom 3 included KLC, Syesha and David H., and when asked if America got it right Simon said the voting was "spot on", prompting Paula to ask "What does that mean?" Seriously, Paula. Dump out whatever it is you're drinking in that cup and get it together. I agree with Simon, the voting was right on. But it was David H., and not KLC, getting his pink slip last night. I am bummed for my friend Jen who was knocked out of our Idol pool so early, but I am not sad to see him go. I was not a fan.
So Kristy gets a reprieve and I hope she is more careful about her song choice, and uses a stylist next week to get away from the sparkly tank top/ripped jeans combo she has been wearing week after week.
I just wish Jim Carrey could be on the show every week. My favorite part of last nights show was him sitting in with contestants while Ryan, perhaps sensing that he was being upstaged by Jim, tried to shoo him off the stage.
I also liked Kat McPhee's little number. I had completely forgotten what her voice sounded like. And Sanjaya and his sister were in the audience! We all got a kick out of that at my house.
Well another week of idol is over. My world will be colors of gray and unpleasant textures until next week.
I really thought for sure that KLC was heading home last night. The bottom 3 included KLC, Syesha and David H., and when asked if America got it right Simon said the voting was "spot on", prompting Paula to ask "What does that mean?" Seriously, Paula. Dump out whatever it is you're drinking in that cup and get it together. I agree with Simon, the voting was right on. But it was David H., and not KLC, getting his pink slip last night. I am bummed for my friend Jen who was knocked out of our Idol pool so early, but I am not sad to see him go. I was not a fan.
So Kristy gets a reprieve and I hope she is more careful about her song choice, and uses a stylist next week to get away from the sparkly tank top/ripped jeans combo she has been wearing week after week.
I just wish Jim Carrey could be on the show every week. My favorite part of last nights show was him sitting in with contestants while Ryan, perhaps sensing that he was being upstaged by Jim, tried to shoo him off the stage.
I also liked Kat McPhee's little number. I had completely forgotten what her voice sounded like. And Sanjaya and his sister were in the audience! We all got a kick out of that at my house.
Well another week of idol is over. My world will be colors of gray and unpleasant textures until next week.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Will Ryan Make Kristy Lee Cry?
So, no debate right? Kristy Lee will be given a swift, hard kick in the patoot tonight. She seriously deserves it after that blasphemously horrible rendition of "Eight Days A Week" last night.
Check ya later sister. Back to farm for you.
Check ya later sister. Back to farm for you.
Thank You Perez Hilton
I feel like I am promoting Entertainment Weekly too much here in this blog, but I love Michael Slezak's Idol recap. In last night's article he calls David Archuleta "The human equivalent of a fresh-hatched baby chick." Incredibly accurate. Also calls him out for the grossly irritating lip-licking thing. Slezak has also written an article offering very good advice and song choices for each of the top 12. I hope the contestants are reading it, because the song suggestions are right on. I do disagree, however, with his love of David Hernandez. I guess they are like gay brothers-in-arms, but David H. sucks. There is no way he "has more to offer" than Michael Johns.
Anyway, check it out if you love Idol.
Anyway, check it out if you love Idol.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The Top 12 Sing The Beatles
Well, Jai Guru Deva, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Om.
First of all, Ryan, no one gives a crap about the "new set." Get over it.

Now, I was really worried about how American Idol's Lennon/McCartney week would go down. My brother and I were spoon fed the Beatles in the high chair. My parents were teenage Beatlemaniacs and it was all we heard in our house growing up. To say I am a fan of their music is an undestatement. It's part of my psychological makeup, the soundtrack of my growing up years. So, like any fan of great music, I feel protective of it. It seems wrong to let just anyone sing those songs. But, for the most part, I was pleasantly surprised.
The Good:
Chikezie sang "She's a Woman" with an interesting bluegrass/rock arrangement. He pulled it off and he certainly wowed the judges.
I loved Jason Castro (Dreadlock Guy) again this week. He sang "If I Fell" with his guitar and cute vocal inflections. I was surprised that Randy was so down on him. I thought he was excellent. Randy seemed extra cranky tonight. He didn't seem prepared to like any of the performances. Is Paula's mindless parroting of his reviews finally driving him over the edge? Was he offended by the amount of chest hair Simon was exhibiting? It's a mystery.
Carly Smithson belted a great version of "Come Together." She makes the other contestants look like amateurs. She said in the bio tape that she sings the song on a regular basis in her usual venue, and you could see that confidence and preparation in her performance. Come Together has been covered a lot, most notably by Aerosmith, so it isn't so jarring to hear it sung by an unfamiliar voice. I drew Carly in our AI pool, so I was happy to see her blow the other gals out of the water. Take it all the way baby.
Looking extra-hot tonight, Michael Johns was back on form with "Across the Universe." None of the judges seemed to like his performance much, but I LOVED it. He was so good. I loved his gentle, melodic take on the amazing lyrics.
Brooke White was so great again this week. She sang "Let it Be" at the piano, putting her indie-rock folksy vibe on it. Great song for her. She really knows her strengths and picks great material. And she was so cute when she came up to the judges with her feet bare.
The OK:
Syesha sang "Got To Get You Into My Life." She did a good job, the song was good, the arrangement was nice, but she just doesn't stand out.
I was horrified by Ramiele's version of "In My Life." This is one of those songs that is just sacred to me. We played it at my Grandma's funeral. For me to have to listen to this child just say the words as if they mean nothing was really difficult. I hated it. I mean, I know that the Beatles are not popular in the Phillipines. I'm just saying.
I am saddened to say that I did not like David Cook's "Eleanor Rigby." I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt after last week's Lionel Richie cover, but I just really hated it. And I was shocked by how much the judges liked it. Eleanor Rigby should not be used as an emo rock anthem. Have some respect. Hated it.
Amanda, Amanda, Amanda. What to say about Amanda? It was OK. I didn't particularly care for her performance, but it didn't make me vomit.
The Ugly:
I was so happy to see how bad David Hernandez was doing because I want him voted off (sorry Jen). I'm not sure what he was thinking when he decided to sing "I Saw Her Standing There." Of all the great songs there were to choose from that would have allowed him to really sing, he chose a boppy dance number. Idiot.
But my happiness only lasted until I heard the opening notes of Kristy Lee Cook singing "8 Days A Week" Hee Haw style. As soon as I heard that heinous atrocityI knew without a doubt that she will be going home. I know Simon advised her to keep going with the country thing, but girlfriend, no. Why not something like "In My Life" with a gentle country lilt? Kiss her goodbye, because she will not be back next week.
Shockingly, I have to put David Archuleta in this category. He sang Stevie Wonder's version "We Can Work It Out" and he really blew it. He forgot the lyrics, he seemed to get off on the timing, and appeared to be lost most of the way through. Like Randy, I could only hear Stevie singing in my head. Lucky for him, other contestants were much worse, and he has done enough in the past to keep him safe, but he'd better pull it together next week.
First of all, Ryan, no one gives a crap about the "new set." Get over it.

Now, I was really worried about how American Idol's Lennon/McCartney week would go down. My brother and I were spoon fed the Beatles in the high chair. My parents were teenage Beatlemaniacs and it was all we heard in our house growing up. To say I am a fan of their music is an undestatement. It's part of my psychological makeup, the soundtrack of my growing up years. So, like any fan of great music, I feel protective of it. It seems wrong to let just anyone sing those songs. But, for the most part, I was pleasantly surprised.
The Good:
Chikezie sang "She's a Woman" with an interesting bluegrass/rock arrangement. He pulled it off and he certainly wowed the judges.
I loved Jason Castro (Dreadlock Guy) again this week. He sang "If I Fell" with his guitar and cute vocal inflections. I was surprised that Randy was so down on him. I thought he was excellent. Randy seemed extra cranky tonight. He didn't seem prepared to like any of the performances. Is Paula's mindless parroting of his reviews finally driving him over the edge? Was he offended by the amount of chest hair Simon was exhibiting? It's a mystery.
Carly Smithson belted a great version of "Come Together." She makes the other contestants look like amateurs. She said in the bio tape that she sings the song on a regular basis in her usual venue, and you could see that confidence and preparation in her performance. Come Together has been covered a lot, most notably by Aerosmith, so it isn't so jarring to hear it sung by an unfamiliar voice. I drew Carly in our AI pool, so I was happy to see her blow the other gals out of the water. Take it all the way baby.
Looking extra-hot tonight, Michael Johns was back on form with "Across the Universe." None of the judges seemed to like his performance much, but I LOVED it. He was so good. I loved his gentle, melodic take on the amazing lyrics.
Brooke White was so great again this week. She sang "Let it Be" at the piano, putting her indie-rock folksy vibe on it. Great song for her. She really knows her strengths and picks great material. And she was so cute when she came up to the judges with her feet bare.
The OK:
Syesha sang "Got To Get You Into My Life." She did a good job, the song was good, the arrangement was nice, but she just doesn't stand out.
I was horrified by Ramiele's version of "In My Life." This is one of those songs that is just sacred to me. We played it at my Grandma's funeral. For me to have to listen to this child just say the words as if they mean nothing was really difficult. I hated it. I mean, I know that the Beatles are not popular in the Phillipines. I'm just saying.
I am saddened to say that I did not like David Cook's "Eleanor Rigby." I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt after last week's Lionel Richie cover, but I just really hated it. And I was shocked by how much the judges liked it. Eleanor Rigby should not be used as an emo rock anthem. Have some respect. Hated it.
Amanda, Amanda, Amanda. What to say about Amanda? It was OK. I didn't particularly care for her performance, but it didn't make me vomit.
The Ugly:
I was so happy to see how bad David Hernandez was doing because I want him voted off (sorry Jen). I'm not sure what he was thinking when he decided to sing "I Saw Her Standing There." Of all the great songs there were to choose from that would have allowed him to really sing, he chose a boppy dance number. Idiot.
But my happiness only lasted until I heard the opening notes of Kristy Lee Cook singing "8 Days A Week" Hee Haw style. As soon as I heard that heinous atrocityI knew without a doubt that she will be going home. I know Simon advised her to keep going with the country thing, but girlfriend, no. Why not something like "In My Life" with a gentle country lilt? Kiss her goodbye, because she will not be back next week.
Shockingly, I have to put David Archuleta in this category. He sang Stevie Wonder's version "We Can Work It Out" and he really blew it. He forgot the lyrics, he seemed to get off on the timing, and appeared to be lost most of the way through. Like Randy, I could only hear Stevie singing in my head. Lucky for him, other contestants were much worse, and he has done enough in the past to keep him safe, but he'd better pull it together next week.
So, no bleeding ears, no John Lennon spectre rising ghostlike from the grave to kill Ryan Seacrest. Nothing bad happened when AI sang the Beatles. It was better than I hoped, and it renewed my love for MJ.
Looking forward to Ryan torturing Kristy Lee tomorrow night. Hee hee.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Top 12 - Big Sigh of Relief

Ok, so I was reading this blog back and noticed that I start many posts with the word "Well." In fact, I almost did it again when I started typing this post. So, that is irritating and I will endeavor to do better. I know it's also irritating to begin sentences with "Ok" and "So" but I can't help myself there.
Anyway...I was so worried that Michael Johns was going to get the axe last night. But luckily he is safe. I was also really worried for Chikezie. I think he is great, so I was happy to see him make it to the top 12. I just wish it had been dirty stripper David Hernandez going home instead of Danny Noriega. Finally, and happily, Luke was also booted off last night.
I was happy to see Kady go, she has been consistently awful. And not surprised about Asia'h. She's sweet, but hasn't really lived up to the promise she showed in her audition. These were my picks yesterday:
Luke Menard, Chikezie, Kady Malloy, Kristy Lee Cook
I actually wasn't too far off, but it also was a pretty easy week to predict. It seems like the most talented people in the competition made it through to the top 12. Although I wish they would stop saying that this is the most talented season yet. It's not. Really, Paula, stop saying it.
It gets exciting now for me because we do an American Idol pool every year. Last year my guy Blake went all the way to the finale. I'm hoping to win it all this year!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Who Does Ryan Get To Humiliate Tonight?
Well, after last week I am very reluctant to venture any guesses as to who will get the boot tonight. I was very wrong. I will hope against hope that Luke Menard and Kady Malloy will be included in the group going home. I'm actually very scared that my Michael Johns will be going. He just hasn't done anything that great to keep himself on. I think Chikezie is also vulnerable and also David Hernandez. David Cook and David Archuleta are the only guys that are completely safe. Danny Noriega is so fun to watch and also he has VFTW helping him out, so he is probably safe also. I hope Dreadlock Guy is safe.
On the girls side, again, it has to be Kady. And maybe Asia'h. Syesha is also vulnerable as is Ramiele. Ramiele is very talented, she's just so boring. I think Amanda may have redeemed herself enough to be safe this week, and she also has VFTW on her side. Kristy Lee should be worried, though. Brooke has been so solid that she should make it through just fine.
So let's see, I'll venture some firm predictions:
Luke Menard
Kady Malloy
Kristy Lee Cook
Just don't ridicule me tomorrow...
On the girls side, again, it has to be Kady. And maybe Asia'h. Syesha is also vulnerable as is Ramiele. Ramiele is very talented, she's just so boring. I think Amanda may have redeemed herself enough to be safe this week, and she also has VFTW on her side. Kristy Lee should be worried, though. Brooke has been so solid that she should make it through just fine.
So let's see, I'll venture some firm predictions:
Luke Menard
Kady Malloy
Kristy Lee Cook
Just don't ridicule me tomorrow...
Wake Me Up Before You...Oh No
Well, I'm really falling down the job (such as it is) this week. I did finally watch both shows last night. I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised. I expected much much worse from 80's week.
Of course Luke was horrifically bad, but what's new with that?
I actually loved Danny Noriega's rendition of Tainted Love. She is really growing on me, if only for entertainment value. And she's so pretty. Sadly, my poor Michael Johns is really vulnerable this week. He picked a great song in 80's anthem Don't you Forget About Me, but really didn't deliver a great performance. I want him to do that whole soul thing again, like at his first audtion. I would love to see him do Try A Little Tenderness.
The big surprise of Tuesday night was David Cook singing Lionel Ritchie's Hello. At first I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I sat through most of it with my mouth open in shock, and a string of drool forming between my lip and chin. It finally dawned on me that his performance was awesome. Totally. He has absolutely nothing to worry about tonight.
Chikezie did pretty good and of course Dreadlock Guy was great. He sang that one Leonard Cohen song, we all know it but I can't remember the title. The one from Shrek. You know. Anyway, he hit a few bum notes and I thought he would have been better with his guitar, but he was good. David Archuleta depressed the crap out of me with some Phil Collins song. I agree with Simon, he needs to perk it up a bit. I hate David Hernandez. I hope the gay stripper thing gets him sent home.
The girls were also OK. The big shocker on Wednesday was Amanda Overmyer actually singing a song with some intelligible lyrics and doing a great job. Also, they have put some sort of smoothing serum or hot oil treatment in her hair. It still looks skunkish, but she's headed in the right direction. You could tell though, that she just hates the judges and feels like she is selling out or something by acting on their criticisms from last week. She looked like she was saying "Eff You" in her head while they were talking.
And I guess these girls don't read this blog because both Syesha and Asia'h came out singing Whitney Houston. Why why why? Don't they watch past seasons of the show? Syesha was OK, Asia'h not so much.
Carly was great.
I knew someone would sing Pat Benatar, I just didn't think it would be the folksy Brooke White. She put her own spin on it, singing a very stripped indie-rock version accompanied by only an accoustic guitar. It was very cool. I like her more and more every week. Those idiots Randy and Paula of course found a way to criticize it, even though it was the best performance of the night.
Kady - Horrible
Ramiele - Blah
Kristy Lee - Eck
Of course Luke was horrifically bad, but what's new with that?
I actually loved Danny Noriega's rendition of Tainted Love. She is really growing on me, if only for entertainment value. And she's so pretty. Sadly, my poor Michael Johns is really vulnerable this week. He picked a great song in 80's anthem Don't you Forget About Me, but really didn't deliver a great performance. I want him to do that whole soul thing again, like at his first audtion. I would love to see him do Try A Little Tenderness.
The big surprise of Tuesday night was David Cook singing Lionel Ritchie's Hello. At first I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I sat through most of it with my mouth open in shock, and a string of drool forming between my lip and chin. It finally dawned on me that his performance was awesome. Totally. He has absolutely nothing to worry about tonight.
Chikezie did pretty good and of course Dreadlock Guy was great. He sang that one Leonard Cohen song, we all know it but I can't remember the title. The one from Shrek. You know. Anyway, he hit a few bum notes and I thought he would have been better with his guitar, but he was good. David Archuleta depressed the crap out of me with some Phil Collins song. I agree with Simon, he needs to perk it up a bit. I hate David Hernandez. I hope the gay stripper thing gets him sent home.
The girls were also OK. The big shocker on Wednesday was Amanda Overmyer actually singing a song with some intelligible lyrics and doing a great job. Also, they have put some sort of smoothing serum or hot oil treatment in her hair. It still looks skunkish, but she's headed in the right direction. You could tell though, that she just hates the judges and feels like she is selling out or something by acting on their criticisms from last week. She looked like she was saying "Eff You" in her head while they were talking.
And I guess these girls don't read this blog because both Syesha and Asia'h came out singing Whitney Houston. Why why why? Don't they watch past seasons of the show? Syesha was OK, Asia'h not so much.
Carly was great.
I knew someone would sing Pat Benatar, I just didn't think it would be the folksy Brooke White. She put her own spin on it, singing a very stripped indie-rock version accompanied by only an accoustic guitar. It was very cool. I like her more and more every week. Those idiots Randy and Paula of course found a way to criticize it, even though it was the best performance of the night.
Kady - Horrible
Ramiele - Blah
Kristy Lee - Eck
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Well I missed Idol last night. I saw about 10 horrifying seconds of Luke Menard singing "Wake Me Up Before You Go Go" and I knew we were in for a real treat. Anyway, we Tivo'd but I still haven't watched it. I'll watch the guys and girls back to back tonight then recap it all.
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