Ryan opened last night's show by mentioning that this year's talent is the best ever. Well, sorry Ryan, but you couldn't tell from most of the performances given last night. There were only a couple of guys who stood out from the pack. Unfortunately, this group was not helped by the songs they were forced to choose from, all from the 1960's. Only 3 out of the twelve were up to that challenge.
First up for the night, David Hernandez. It was just so blah. He hits the notes, but I hate his voice. So boring. Then came Chikeze, who is a contestant that I have been rooting for all along. But I was incredibly disappointed. For one thing, what the frick was he wearing? He looked like a giant orange Tic Tac. Then the song was awful, of course Paula acted like she loved it. I wonder if Simon will fulfill my fantasy this season and slap her across the face on air.
Then came a couple more awful, boring performances by David Cook and Jason Yeager singing Happy Together and Moon River, respectively. Seriously, Moon River. Ugh. Robbie Carrico actually did pretty good, I was surprised. Simon is right though, he doesn't have any credibilty because of the whole boy band thing, and also because of the scarf on his head. He has to lose that. A scarf on your head doesn't make you a rocker, it just makes you tacky.
After Britney's ex came the first ray of hope with David Archuleta. He did a great job with Shop Around, although not as good as he did in Hollywood, and he is just so cute that you can't help but like him. But from that performance things went downhill fast. Danny Noriega was hideous, I hope he goes away quickly, but I am afraid there will be a voting contingent that will keep him alive for a while. Then Luke Menard - Blah. Colton Barry - Blah.
I was curiously awaiting Garret Haley's performance because we've never seen him sing before throughout the auditions. I have renamed him Leif Frampton because he looks like a cross between Leif Garret and Peter Frampton. And, oh dear, the song was painful. He is hard to look at with that cloud of hair and piercing eyes. Also, he looks very feminine but he has a bit of a mustache, which is odd. Does he think those nearly invisible wisps of hair will bring some masculinity to his overall appearance? I can't even remember what he sang, but it wasn't good and then Simon just told him the painful truth. Simon suggested that he get some sun, which Randy and Paula ridiculed, but he is right. The guy looks like a wraith. I swear Simon called him a young girl at one point. This guy can't last.
The last two performances were the best of the evening. I was blown away by Jason Castro, or Dreadlock Guy . I had no expectations of him and was very pleasantly surprised. He sang What A Day For a Daydream and played his own guitar on stage. When I saw the guitar I thought it was certain disaster, but Dreadlock Guy totally pulled it off. He was so great. He also comes across as very authentic, you know he is for real about playing and singing, or whatever. And he is really cute when those dreads are out f his face. He was my favorite of the night, even over Michael Johns.
But - Michael Johns also did really well, certainly top 2 of the evening. He didn't knock me out like he did with Bohemian Rhapsody, but it was very good. He is a great performer to watch, he is comfortable on the stage and he sings really well. Plus, he's hot.
So overall, a craptastic show. I hope the girls pick it up a bit tonight, or we might be in for a loooong season.
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